Efficient equipment for the extraction of drinking water from "desert-dry" air
Kurt Hansson
I run the innovation project through my EF Kurt Hansson, i.e. as a farmer/innovator and the future will tell if it will be a newly formed company or if the innovation is sold/licensed to others which has greater resources to manufacture and market Leandry in Sweden/EU. The innovation project will continue until March 2025.
The concept/innovation of using new efficient equipment for the extraction of drinking water from "desert dry" air exists and we have letterofintent with WaterHarvest Inc in California which is a startup company born out of pioneering research at Berkeley University led by Prof Omar Ygali and others. At Agritechnica we will be able to show the unique material, see picture MetalOrganicFramework 303, as a 3D-printed model structure (they have promised to send us) that effectively extracts water from "desert dry" air and what we in Leandry have applied for is the "residual product's" use for drying, i.e. the super dry air. The dry air is blown through the grain/commodity we want to dry and can thus absorb the water content quickly and easily. The MOF material is then regenerated and can be used many 1000 times.

After the so-called oil crisis of the 1970s, farm kilns have been built with straw, wood chip or pellet boilers to reduce oil dependence and the capacity needed for modern combine harvesters. But there are still farm dryers that are fired with fossil oil or LPG.
Innovation idea
Finding another drying method that is not based on hot air is therefore important if we are to be able to achieve the climate goals that have been set, in order to reduce the water content to that required for storage and trade in dry goods.

What it looks like today.
If the drying air can be kept below 50% RH at different temperatures, the equilibrium water content required for safe storage is obtained.

After Leukkes since 1960
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